Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Personalizing your "deathbed"

A fascinating article from the New York Times about people going to major lengths to create a personalized space in which to die. The individual examples are fun to read through. But more than that, I think this article is yet another reminder of the beautiful work that hospice caretakers and social workers do for the sick and dying every day. Because these scenarios would not be possible without their help.

P.S. This photo is just about my absolute nightmare scenario for where I could be when I die. Am I alone in this?
(Photo from NY Times.)


Anonymous said...

My blog, Aging4Dummies, deals quite a lot with death. Nice to see others doing this work as well. I have linked to your blog...

Andrew said...

Nope, that's pretty much my nightmare scenario, too.

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree. Great Blog Ms. Knapp...shear seattle